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Assisted Physio Ball Supine Bridging

Assisted Physio Ball Supine Bridging

The Assisted Physio Ball Supine Bridging is a low back exercise for beginners to improve energy transfer, hip extensor strength, trunk extensor strength and stability for more powerful shots.

During the Assisted Physio Ball Supine Bridging the focus is on strengthening the low back. It is part of the core and hence important for energy transfer when hitting the ball.

The posterior aspect of the core is very important in energy transfer and injury prevention. Hence you should be strengthening it regularly to ensure proper joint integrity and enhanced energy transfer.

Find out more about Why Core Training for Tennis Players is Important.

Assisted Physio Ball Supine Bridging Description

Assisted Physio Ball Supine Bridging
© by Phil Halfmann – all rights reserved

Coach assists the athlete by holding the physio ball in place.

  1. Place floor mat on the ground and the physio ball towards the lower end on the ground
  2. Lie flat on the floor mat (face up) with arms ~45˚ (abducted) away from the trunk (palms down), put both feet on top of the physio ball, and flex knees
  3. Knees are in line with shoulders˚
  4. Extend the hips upwards to neutral pelvic position; only the shoulder blades and head touch the ground; hold position for 1 second
  5. Descend hips back to the ground; don’t lie flat on the ground; only touch with buttocks

Physio Ball Supine Bridging Progression

If you use additional weights or increase the strength of the resistance bands…make sure you use appropriate resistance so you can control the action throughout the entire range of motion. Otherwise you may defeat the purpose of the exercise.

Very often, people use too much resistance and they become sloppy. Especially when it comes to maintaining dynamic stability.

No eccentric phase, the tension is basically just released. Make the most out of your training time and work your way up to appropriate weights or level of resistance.

It may also be a good idea to work on other aspects of the core equally as hard as your lower back to avoid strength imbalances.

Apart from looking weird strength imbalances can also lead to injuries.

Also, don’t just progress with adding more weight. Instead don’t look towards the ground while flexing and extending the hip. Keep your head up and look forward. All while maintaining perfect form.

If that’s still too easy then keep your head up and track and object/person while flexing and extending the hip.

Here are the progression levels:

  1. Beginner: look down
  2. Advanced: look forward
  3. Professional: look forward & track an object/person

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Training Zone

We provide you with some more workouts and training tips you may be interested in to optimize your training.

Also, make sure that you warm up properly before and stretch out after your training session.