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Hang Snatch

Hang Snatch

The Hang Snatch is a power training exercise for professional athletes to enhance hip flexor speed.

The Hang Snatch is a compound exercise, which focuses on:

  1. improving the synergy of the neuromuscular system
  2. learning the snatch receive (improving hip flexor speed)
  3. improving explosiveness of hip extensor musculature

while transitioning into shoulder shrug.

In addition, you can improve body control & coordination, flexibility as well as improve skill & balance foundation for complex movements.

Note: Athlete must have good hamstring & latissimus dorsi (shoulder) flexibility to receive the barbell at 90˚ of knee flexion with a narrow stance.

If shoulder flexibility is an issue, do the Plate Snatch instead. With heavy resistance do not catch the bar on the way down in wide grip position. It will pull the shoulders out!

Hang Snatch Description

Hang Snatch
© by Phil Halfmann – all rights reserved
  1. Take an athletic stance; stand straight, feet are shoulder-width apart; knees slightly flexed; toes point forward
  2. Use a pronated grip, take barbell in both hands using the snatch grip (hands past 2nd key), keep elbows extended and flex hips till barbell is in the center of the legs above knee level; maintain neutral spine position (push chest out and scapulae [shoulder blades] together; maintain neutral head position (look forward)
  3. Explosively extend the hips and simultaneously jump vertically (plantar flexion) while shrugging the shoulders and flexing the elbows while abducting shoulders to 90˚ (upright row); barbell remains close to the body and reaches sternum (~ nipple) level; elbows point sideways
  4. When barbell reaches neutral gravity (no movement) explosively flex the hips and knees, flip the wrists (wrist extension), extend the elbows and land in narrow stance (feet remain within shoulders); knees are flexed at 90˚ (or as low as possible); shoulder is in full flexion; maintain neutral spine and head position
  5. Extend the hips and knees and stand up straight

Hang Snatch Targeted Musculature

  • Glutes
  • Hamstrings
  • Quadriceps
  • Iliopsoas
  • Calves (gastrocnemius, soleus)
  • Shoulder Girdle (Trapezius & Levator Scapula)
  • Deltoid

Related Resistance Training Exercises

Hang Clean to High Receive
Hang Clean to High Receive
deadlift to upright row
Deadlift to Upright Row
Lunge to Press
Lunge to Press

Training Zone

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Also, make sure that you warm up properly before and stretch out after your training session.