Posts tagged "warming up"
Leg Warm Up for Advanced Athletes

Leg Warm Up for Advanced Athletes

The leg warm up for advanced athletes consists of 5 dynamic stretching exercises to prepare neural pathways for explosive movements and decrease the risk for injury. The selected exercises for the leg warm up for advanced athletes emulate movement patterns during tennis and target the major muscle groups. Since the dynamic leg warm up consists...
Dynamic Leg Warm Up for Beginners

Dynamic Leg Warm Up for Beginners

The dynamic leg warm up for beginners consists of 5 dynamic stretching exercises to improve stability and prepare neural pathways for explosive movements. The selected exercises for the dynamic leg warm up for beginners emulate movement patterns during tennis and target the major muscle groups. Since the warm up consists of compound calisthenic exercise activating...
15 Perfect Warm Ups That Prepare You For Your Match

15 Perfect Warm Ups That Prepare You For Your Match

Yes, you heard it before, a warm up is important and you should do it but why? Does warming up decrease the risk of injury? What stretches should you do? And when should you stretch – before or after you play tennis? You see the pros do it but why should you when you only...
How Flexibility Impacts Your Tennis Performance

How Flexibility Impacts Your Tennis Performance

Why is flexibility so important for tennis players? For one it can limit your ability to develop power! In last week’s episode I explained the benefits of a proper warm up routine. Today I will explain how flexibility impacts on-court performance because, often times, flexibility is an underemphasized training component by many coaches and hence...
What are the Benefits of a Proper Warm Up Routine?

What are the Benefits of a Proper Warm Up Routine?

A warm up routine is essential for tennis players for various reasons, reducing the risk for injury is just one. What are the others? Find out more or watch the video! Many recreational players don’t warm up at all or perform warm up exercises that are inappropriate (e.g. static stretching before competition), which generally results...