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Shoulder Circuit: 5 Easy Rotator Cuff Exercises To Strengthen Your Shoulder

Shoulder Circuit: 5 Easy Rotator Cuff Exercises To Strengthen Your Shoulder

The shoulder circuit for tennis players consists of 5 easy rotator cuff exercises to strengthen the musculature surrounding the shoulder. You should do it regularly to avoid shoulder pain and injuries.

Many tennis players feel pain in their shoulder and don’t know what exercises they can do to prevent it.

Therefore we have 5 easy rotator cuff exercises that you can do with your athletes to strengthen the musculature surrounding the shoulder joint so that shoulder pain won’t become an issue.

It is very practical and efficient to perform the shoulder circuit as a warm up before you start playing tennis or start your workout in the gym because you can strengthen the small rotator cuff musculature and prepare the shoulder for more strenuous activities at the same time.

Shoulder Circuit: 5 Easy Rotator Cuff Exercises To Strengthen Your Shoulder
© by Phil Halfmann - all rights reserved

When you do the shoulder circuit make sure that you use athlete-appropriate resistance bands for maximum training benefits.

If you like more information on the various types of resistance bands, advantages of resistance band training and what resistance band is right for you and your athletes take a look at 7 Key Resistance Band Training Exercises.

Scroll down to the Training Zone section to watch the corresponding resistance band workout video!

The shoulder circuit consists of the following resistance band exercises; to get more information on the respective shoulder circuit exercises simply click on them:

  1. Internal Shoulder Rotation
  2. External Shoulder Rotation
  3. Horizontal Abducted External Shoulder Rotation
  4. Horizontal Abducted Internal Shoulder Rotation
  5. Lateral Raise with Rotation

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Training Zone

We provide you with some more workouts and training tips you may be interested in to optimize your training.

Also, make sure that you warm up properly before and stretch out after your training session.